"StudyPal highly recommends to pass the PMP Exam you watch this short recorded training webinar by Dan Ryan, PMP. In this short webinar you will see the best method for passing the PMP exam and you can be sure that StudyPal has verified these materials are the highest quality". Dan Ryan is a New York based PMP® Exam Prep expert - globally recognized for coaching thousands of students in passing the PMP® exam using innovative techniques not found anywhere else. He has spent much of his career as a Project Manager for large, well-respected organizations, as well as teaching courses as a professor at NYU.
Not every student has the same pace of learning and students who need extra time to understand certain concepts may be left behind. Some students may be lacking prerequisite knowledge from previous courses or they may be intimidated by asking clarification questions in class. Also, scheduling may limit access to classes for those who are working part-time or full-time jobs. https://farhatlectures.pathwright.com/library/ offers open Accounting instructional videos to learners who want to study at their own pace in and outside the classroom. Any student around the world who is struggling to understand a particular Accounting concept or juggling classes, a job, and family responsibilities can take advantage.
The CPA Exam Starting April 1, 2017, the Uniform CPA Exam dramatically changed its test format adopting a larger emphasis on critical thinking and advanced order skills. Universal CPA Review offers supplemental support by testing your knowledge and preparing you for test day. The Uniform CPA exam is an extremely comprehensive, and detail-oriented exam. If you are currently or are planning on working in the industry of accounting, obtaining your CPA license is paramount to your career success. With Universal CPA Review, we are dedicated to offering you sufficient practice material, and testing you on aspects of the exam that you are guaranteed to see on test day. With Universal CPA Review not only are you able study smarter, but you do so without spending thousands of dollars on over-priced review course Section scores are reported on a scale that ranges from 0-99. A total reported score of 75 is required to pass each section. This is not a percent correct score and cannot be interpreted as a percentage. The total score in the Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR), and Regulation (REG) sections is a weighted combination of scaled scores from the multiple-choice and task-based simulation questions. For the Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) section, the total score is weighted combination of the scaled scores from the multiple-choice questions and written communication tasks. Scaled scores on the multiple-choice and task-based simulation portions of the Exam are calculated using formulas that take into account factors such as whether the question was answered correctly and the relative difficulty of each question. Our Story We are CPAs that wanted to make an accessible, cost-effective and efficient CPA studying platform. University CPA Review is a New York City based company that is built on an old school study foundation: we believe that there is no secret formula to passing these exams and that the only way to truly understand the material is through repetition, and to put in the time. Universal CPA Review is passionate about delivering a low cost yet highly effective approach to passing these exams. We are committed to offering you with the highest quality study materials and support. Universal CPA Review Offers: Full Cram Course products that will offer you all of the essential information that is required to be prepared to pass the CPA exam. Cram courses come with audio e-books that contain page-by-page audio functionality, as well as unlimited access to 4,200 test-bank multiple choice questions and practice task-based simulations that will emulate the CPA exam. Test-bank products. If you are already dedicated to an expensive, comprehensive CPA review program, Universal CPA Review might still be for you. We offer reasonably priced test-bank multiple-choice and task-based simulation practice questions that will give you a brand-new questions that you have not yet see, as well as the additional repetition that will help get you the 75% that you are looking for.
The managerial world of accounting is populated by more CPA’s than anyone else. Going through the process of passing the CPA takes a lot of dedication and sacrifice that all big firms recognize and reward. When you become a CPA, you’re putting yourself in the exclusive club. Here are 5 tips to grace your CPA exams.
The GRE test (Graduate Record Examination) is a computer-based exam many American graduate programs use in the admissions process. Scored between 130 and 170, the GRE exam comprises six sections and takes 3 hours and 45 minutes to complete. In those six sections, you can expect to see Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) sections. To learn all about GRE topics and how to approach them (as well as all about the GRE itself), read on!
If you’re pulling out your hair wondering when to take the GRE, don’t get out the calendar, blindfold, and darts just yet. Yes, you do have a ton of options when it comes to picking the best GRE test dates, especially because many test centers offer GRE exam dates almost every day of the year. And then there are time slots and test centers to choose from…you might be feeling like you’re spending more time trying to pick a test date than you are actually studying for the test.
Are you preparing for your NCLEX exam? Do you struggle with understanding 12 Lead EKG rhythms? I know when I was first learning them in nursing school I thought I was WAY in over my head with trying to comprehend them. However one thing I have learned is that they are not really that challenging once you know how to study for them.
This post will focus on the various factors which can prevent students from achieving success on the NCLEX exam. When students are preparing for the NCLEX exam, focus is largely placed on one factor in order to achieve success. This is shown by solely studying content or preparing to answer questions. After failing one or more times, students begin to consider other factors that may play a role in their ability to pass the NCLEX.
Are you studying for the NCLEX exam and are unsure where to begin? Whether this is your first, second, or even third time taking the test, here are three important tips to achieve success.
For the NCLEX exam, it is important that you not only just know the different organs in the body but you really understand how it relates to the role of the nurse. This is the main general point to mastering the body systems on the exam. In this article, I will discuss six major organs you must know for the NCLEX exam.
Learning the pharmacology is by far one of the areas that many nurse graduates have the most about of trouble with. In the table below, I describe the pharmacology suffixes for antibiotics.
Here’s a peek into what you will get in this blog – 1. A quick note on active and passive reading, to get you into the right frame of mind to tackle RC questions 2. A step-by-step approach to answering RC questions 3. The types of RC questions you will encounter 4. Practice exercises
Graduate school is in your future. You’ve decided on the path your life will follow, and you’re sticking to it. But before you can complete your application, chances are you will need to take the Graduate Record Exam. There’s nothing to sweat about here, as it will be an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge in the field you wish to pursue. You know this material – but, to get a leg up on the other candidates for your program slot, it’s important to distinguish yourself with a high score.
The GRE experts at Magoosh have just released the Ultimate GRE Guide, which is a great resource for anyone starting to study for the GRE. It answers every question an aspiring graduate student might have, from the very basic (“What is the GRE?”) to the advanced (“How do you get a perfect score?”). It organizes a lot of the information from the Magoosh blog, and points you to other sites (especially to http://ets.org/gre!) that may offer more help. Best of all, it’s free! Think of it as a crash course to the GRE—once you finish learning all of the basics of the exam, you’ll have more time to focus on scoring well. Enjoy!
GRE is an exam of aptitude as well as your nerves. You need to condition yourself with a lot of mock exams periodically to assess whether your efforts are being reflected in your scores. One simple recommendation to improve your GRE score is to become an avid reader. By reading, we mean understanding the grammar, contextual reference and word usage and not just skim through a page-turning novel. Also, it is important to brush up your high school algebra and geometry (not trigonometry) and remember the formulas at a bare minimum.
What is the GRE? The Graduate Record Exam, a computer-adaptive standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the US. The GRE was created in 1949 and has three sections: Verbal, Quantitative and Analytical Writing.
Taking a GRE practice test not only teaches you what to expect from the test in terms of form and content, but it also ends up being a huge time-saver on test day. Why? Because once you’re familiar with the (sometimes) labyrinthine instruction format, you’re good to go. You’ll never have to read those instructions again. Given the time pressure you’ll face on the GRE, this is a big chunk of point-earning time you’ll redeem for free.
Quantitative Comparison (QC) questions are unique to the GRE, so they may seem a little strange at first. In this module, you'll learn the basic format of Quantitative Comparison questions, and you'll learn systematic techniques for solving them.
Data Sufficiency (DS) questions are unique to the GMAT, so they may seem strange to you at first. In this module, you will learn the basic format of GMAT data sufficiency questions, and you will learn systematic techniques for solving them.
If you are confused about what the GMAT Select section order means to *your* GMAT scores OR if you are wondering whether you should retake the GMAT, you have come to the right place!
In this article, let’s discuss about what is tested in GMAT geometry and what could be the best preparation strategy for GMAT Geometry?
Before getting into details of number of questions, question types etc. Let’s understand the GMAT Integrated reasoning. I am pretty much sure below three questions would be going on your mind, before starting the preparation for GMAT Integrated Reasoning, How important is GMAT IR? What would be the good score in GMAT IR? How and when should I prepare for GMAT IR?
This blog will teach you – • What you need to know BEFORE you start preparing for the AWA • How to use the 30 minutes allotted to AWA to maximum effect • How to use a template to make the AWA writing process simpler Besides this, you will find 8 sample AWA essays to observe and learn from. Happy reading!
We’ll first start with the fundamental concept of inequalities, followed by basic properties and then move on to explore the complexities involved with some additional properties. Finally we will summarize the key takeaways with a list of points to keep in mind while using inequalities in problem-solving and data sufficiency questions.
The truth is – if you are stuck between 2 answer choices and get it wrong all the time, what it really means is that you are simply unable to identify what is wrong with the choice you picked. This is the underlying problem, and this is what you need to address. Yes, SC can be really tricky – but this is also an area that can help you save time on the GMAT. Whereas many Critical Reasoning questions take up to 2.5 minutes to solve, many SC questions can be cracked in under a minute! Here are some tips that will help you tackle this section better:
(27 questions that all GRE test-takers have and do not know whom to ask!)
Anyone who has fought a war (studying for the GRE can seem like one) will tell you that the first rule is to know your enemy. A reconnaissance mission, if you will. It’s the same for the GRE preparation. So, as the first step, take the time to understand what the GRE will test. Here is a PDF file from the test makers; that would be the “evil” Educational Testing Service (ETS).
What is the best way to study Vocabulary for GRE ? If there is ONE question for which GRE test takers wish they knew the answer, it would be this. In this blog, we will see the biggest mistake GRE test-takers commit while studying for the test. We will also show you some great ways (and resources) to study vocabulary for GRE
Are you looking for techniques and material to crack the GRE with a 160+ GRE Verbal score? Are you looking for a no-nonsense approach to get your dream GRE Verbal score? Are you getting overwhelmed with all the advice and looking for simple GRE Verbal strategies? If your answer was a “yes” to any of the above questions, you have come to the right page! Let me guess! You said “yes” to all the three questions!
In this blog, we aim to give you a clear idea of what colleges expect from an SOP and share the Do’s and Don’ts you must keep in mind while writing SOPs. A good SOP must answer 3 basic questions – Who are you and what is unique about you? What are your career goals? Why this school & program? So, let’s get started on the five things you must do to ensure that you have an SOP that will do justice to your application!