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San Francisco’s 5 secret study spots nobody will tell you about

It is a unique experience to live in a city; with all its fast paced lifestyle and unending rush. But, every once in a while we all yearn for some solitude and when it comes to finding a place to study for tests, it becomes a real tricky situation. Test prep in itself requires a lot of attention and you need to simply shut out the noises while you concentrate on your studies. We did the scouting for you and made a list of hideouts to escape to when you want to do some serious test prep. Here presenting a list of San Francisco’s 5 secret study spots nobody will […]

5 places to study in Washington DC

Whenever we talk of Washington DC; the vivid picture of the white house pops in our head and all other aspects take a backseat. But, a city can never be defined by the buildings in it. The culture, the lifestyle and the small coffee shops by the road breathe in life in any city. Studying for exams are always a hard nut to crack; especially when you live in one of the largest metropolitan of the world. Exploration is something which demands patience and lots of time; but with exams looming overhead it becomes a real challenging task to find solace while studying. StudyPal brings to you a list of […]

6 places to study in Chicago

Living in a city has its share of perks. You have access to fast paced lifestyle and the entire hustle bustle, but sometimes it gets difficult when you want some solitary time to yourself. Preparation for competitive entrance examinations do are a big deal, and today we bring to you an insight on secret study spots in Chicago where you can absolutely indulge yourself with a date with your books. We bring to you 6 spots to study in Chicago: 1.McKinley Park Lagoon 69 acre park, peaceful surroundings, a lagoon – you name it and there it is! Located in the southwest of the city, this park was originally supposed […]

Studypal brings you 5 study spots in Mumbai you must checkout

It is difficult to find places to spend some quality time with your books. So Studypal does the exploring for you and brings you 5 study spots in Mumbai you must checkout : 1. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Located just near Hazi Ali; this place has been long been a favourite hangout for its delicious mocha and lovely surroundings. The place is calm and serene; and you can sit back and relax here. They provide WiFi connectivity too; and the plush sofas are a hit with those need a cozy place to study. 2.Magna books This is another hidden place to hangout; on the first floor of the Fab […]

Best places to study

Studying is an exercise of the brain and it needs a proper gym. So, you should choose your place to study wisely. Here are some suggestions: 1.Home: It is indeed the first place that comes to mind. You are nowhere more comfortable than your own home. You can lie down, hang yourself upside down or just walk around shouting the formulae out loud. It’s your home after all. 2.Library: It is probably the most peaceful place you could find. You have access to high-speed internet and numerous books. You sure have enough space. Search for a section which is not visited frequently and sit comfortably in your chair. With time, […]

Tips & Tricks to ace the GMAT


A score of 800/800 on GMAT If you ask 100 GMAT aspirants of their target score, you’ll get less than 5 students giving an answer of 800/800. Is it impossible? No! No way, is my answer! Look at the word ‘impossible’ from a different perspective. It can be made to say ‘I m possible’. A score of 800 on 800, in fact, has been achieved by GMAT aspirants previously. How did they do it? Did they study 24 hours a day? Did they have siblings who had already cleared GMAT guiding them? Did they have better coaching? While the aforesaid factors like more study hours, better guidance do affect the […]

Studypal brings you tips to break the 700 marks on GMAT


By: Eliza Chute, from: Many people set their GMAT goal score as 700+. This is a good benchmark since it means that you have done better than 90% of other test takers and sets you up in a good position for admittance to a top business school. Since your score is based on how well you do in comparison with others, however, not everyone will be able to accomplish this goal. If you want a good shot at reaching a 700+, then there are two things you absolutely must do. 1)Practice with the most difficult questions The test is computer adaptive, meaning that the more questions you get right, […]

Deliberate Practice, Feedback, and Better Study Sessions


Recent research in neuroscience, education, psychology, and athletics – and other disciplines – is causing many people to dramatically change their notion of “talent.” Instead of talent being something is bestowed up you at birth, it turns out that it’s more like a muscle that gets stronger with use. In fact, there’s a popular rule of thumb, developed by a now well-known psychologist named Anders Erickson, that before becoming an expert at anything, a person tends to have amassed at least 10,000 hours of “deliberate practice.” Many popular books have discussed this finding in an effort to dispel the “myth of talent” as a way to explain why some people […]

5 Morning Study Tips That Can Boost Your Test Scores | Studypal

“Burning the mid night oil” has so long been a cliché that whenever it comes to serious studying, we end up imagining strained sleepless nights of study; aided by an excessive overdose of caffeine. Admit it, at some point or the other in your life, you have stayed up late; just to put an impression that you are working hard. But, as far as the productivity levels are concerned; trust us; you have been doing it wrong all these years. Scientifically speaking; early morning studies are not only more productive but also enhances the brain capacity. Here are five secrets about early morning studying that will definitely make you change […]

Free MBA Fair

The Economist‘s Which MBA? Online Fair – May 14th, 15th and 17th, 2014: Meet MBA admissions officers from programs around the world at this free online fair. Chat with alumni, join webinars, watch videos, learn about scholarship opportunities and download resources. Sign up or learn more at ** Sign up now for your chance to win a free iPad Air when you visit 5 or more school booths on May 14th, 15th, and 17th  2014.