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The warning sizes of fatigue-3 things to consider to keep yourself healthy while test prep…

Taking some tests is really a test of your health, patience and confidence and with exams like FRM, PMP or the Actuaries on your target list, it is crucial to keep the body healthy for the brain to function properly. Regular exercises, right eating habits and a healthy sleep per day is pivotal to maintaining good health and most of the time; one forgets to keep the track of health as the test date approaches. Studypal.co brings to you the list of 3 signs of failing health that you must not ignore:



  1. Dark Circles: It is so common that we pretend not to have them. But if you are into test prep and all of a sudden have started having your puffiness of eyes pointed out; you might be in trouble. Though lack of sleep is the major trigger, dark circles also indicate an unhealthy diet and high stress levels.headache-2058476_1280
  2. Body ache or back ache: This might indicate fatigue from excess studying also prolonged sitting at a place in a wrong posture. Study prep can get hectic for some and as many study from computers online, it is crucial to make sure that your sitting posture is correct and you don’t tire your eyes out.spine-1971478_1280
  3. Persisting headaches: The thing about headaches is that they can force you to quit everything you are doing and give up. Headaches can be caused be over fatigued eyes or stress and if regular headaches are bothering you, it could be a ticking sign of failing health and you must immediately pay attention to it.headache-1454330_640
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